They're everywhere. Our economy is straining under the weight of their idle bodies.
It has become a trend in this country for people to make a conscious decision to not bother working and to sign on instead, and it needs to stop.
When I turned 16, I went and got a job at Sports Soccer. It was fucking horrible. I was selling over-priced trainers that I hated to Chavs I couldn't stand, but I did it!
I have barely been out of employment since, about 5 months in the last 8 years, and I didn't sign on in that time. The 5 months I was out of work, about 2 months after I got sacked from a job for spurious reasons and the other 3 after the Music shop I worked in went into liquidation, were spent looking for another job. I couldn't sit at home, sponging off the state, for the sake of my own pride! Every job I have had I got by going after it.
The problem we have is that children are raised by terrible parents who instill into them a sense of entitlement that is all out of proportion and a belief that it's just fine to sign on instead of working.
The kids don't bother making an effort at school, often not going at all (which is ridiculous considering the very high level of free education we get in the UK) and then at the end, when they fail their exams and get no qualifications they expect to be handed the job they want and when that doesn't happen they just sit back and sponge, just like their parents, and the cycle continues.
The media bangs on that there's no jobs, but that is utter shit. There are plenty of jobs but these idle bastards, with their over-inflated sense of entitlement, think they're too good for them.
Look, if you couldn't be arsed getting any qualifications when you had the chance then you shouldn't be surprised when the only job you can get is flipping burgers or picking up rubbish on the street.
The brother of one of my oldest friends was expelled from school and thus failed his GCSEs. Why he was expelled is immaterial and was pretty ridiculous. He could have just sat back and signed on but instead he went and did a plumbing/electrician apprenticeship and started pulling in really good money which then allowed him to fund his real dreams and he's now doing well for himself, because he put the effort in.
Personally, I would much rather have hard-working foreigners than idle natives. I know which is more useful.
This is not to say I am against benefits. A lot of people genuinely need that social security net. People who get laid off, through no fault of their own, and still have rent and bills to pay while they look for another job; people who can't work, through disability or similar; single mothers with no support who haven't the time to work because they're raising a child; low-income families who need a little help to make ends meet - these are all reasonable uses of public money. It should still be used sparingly and as a last resort, in most cases.
By giving them that Get Out Of Work Free card, there's no motivation for them to go and get a job.
On top of that, give them a yearly clothing budget and a sewing kit.
If they want nicer things they will have to get jobs to pay for them.
I know I may seem harsh but I pay a lot of tax (nearly 10% of my earnings, if my maths is correct), a huge chunk of which is handed to idle lay-abouts.
How is that fair? I would much rather that money was spent on schools, roads, public services, instead of being handed to people too lazy to earn their own money!
Look at the size of our National Deficit! In 2009 it was around £160 BILLION with the national debt currently standing at over £900 BILLION! That's around £14,761 for each of us.
We simply cannot afford, as a country, to support people who are putting nothing into the coffers. Get off your arse, get a job, pay your way. It's that simple. If you are able to work and can't be arsed, please get the fuck out of the country because I doubt I'm alone in saying we're sick of paying your way.
OMG you sound like me...
I always likes the idea of anyone of semi-able body to do menial work at an inconvenient time for their minimum wage dole cash, you know street sweaping at 5 in the morning, cleaning grafitti off the walls, picking up fag end and chewing gum. Then one of several things happens:
a: they go get a better job with sensible hours
b: they stop dropping litter, fag ends, spraying their name on walls etc
c: they put up with it cos they can't be bothered getting a job and we get clean streets.
In all the cases joe public wins.
Oh and you pay nowhere near 10% tax.. Try 20% on your salary (after your free bit) plus National Insurance payments of 11%, then add VAT at 17.5% of pretty much anything you spend, fuel duty of something stupid like 80pence in the pound (which they then also charge VAT on, yes they're taxing the tax you pay), road tax, council tax, insurance tax... the list goes on a little. Basically you work all
Basically you're shafted, you problably actually only see about £1 in every £10 you earn. Sad isn't it.
I worked out my tax based on my pay slip and ONLY the PAYE tax, not NI.
I also didn't include VAT as that is not tax I pay on my wages but tax I have to pay if I want things.
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